Get the list of 17 important volunteerroles for auction fundraisers.

If you've ever been part of a fundraising auction, you know how important it is to establish not only auction chairs and committees, but an extensive team of reliable, passionate volunteers.

On the day of the event, staff and leadership need to prioritize mingling and networking with donors. This means well-trained volunteers are key to the actual execution of your event.

To help you assemble a volunteer 'dream team', we've put together a list of 17 of the most important volunteer roles to recruit for your fundraising auction.

Fill out the form to instantly view a printable PDF with job responsibilities for all 17 roles, plus links to resources designed to maximize volunteers' efforts and save time.

Volunteer Roles Included:

  1. Event Coordinator
  2. Event Coordinator Assistant
  3. Procurement Team
  4. Procurement Recorder
  5. Inventory Manager (auction items)
  6. Bid Sheet Writers
  7. Bid Number Issuers
  8. Auction Set-Up and Display
  9. Silent Auction Assistants
  10. Live Auction assistant
  11. Bid Spotters
  12. Auction Clerk/Recorders
  13. Runners
  14. Data Entry
  15. Cashiers
  16. Cashier Assistants
  17. Security