Looking to freshen up your summer development strategy? Consider a 'chari-tee' golf tournament.

Summer and fall golf tournaments take less planning than the annual gala or charity ball, compete with fewer events on your donor's calendars, and provide another angle to engage supporters uninterested in bigger events.

Best of all, it's simple to cover costs through golfer registrations, meaning more money goes straight to your cause.

Winspire teamed up with Brent Haworth from WhyNotGolf for a free 1-hour webinar all about maximizing revenue from charity golf tournaments. In this video, we'll share all the details on our top 5 golf tournament must-do's:

  1. How to negotiate rates & fees
  2. Technology that saves time & money
  3. Enhance revenue with auctions & games
  4. Promote your event like a pro
  5. Set the stage for next year's success

This webinar is chock-full of practical tips for tournament planning newbies and seasoned pros alike. Just tell us a bit more about your upcoming event on the right to instantly access the video!